2018/19 Best of the Best

2018/19 Best of the Best


to Race off on 17 August 2019

Every year in August our monthly handicap winners of the current series race off against each other in their respective events.

Our Monthly Winners to date have been:

  10KM 3.5KM
September: Ismael Salazar Pauline Kelly
October: Wayne Layt Pauline Kelly
November: Rafic Awad Desie Joannides
December: Alan Rivet Alan Rivet
January: Paul Moro Chandra Gurung
February: Colin Price Trevor Ching
March: Jacqui Viterale Paul Moro
April: Arlene Caraballo Kath Dell’Orefice
May: Zenita Acaba Ken Mudie
June: Jane Price Amaan Faiz
July: Peter Brouwer Robert Storey
August: Lorri Di Lucchio Alex Bucci

Alan Rivet achieved a historic first back in December with victories in both handicaps in the same month. Paul Moro also has won both handicaps across the series and together with Alan will have to make a decision as to which distance they will race on ‘Best of the Best’ day.
